Beyond Organic

Permaculture Agarwood Plantations

Purchase trees from our plantation through our Partnership Program and make asset class beating returns of 19.31% per year. Join now and receive incredible early bird bonuses.

We welcome (and pay for) our Partners to visit our plantation in Chon Buri, Thailand, but if you are unable to come over, you can view the latest photos here as we embark on a massive irrigation project in Q1, 2024..

Permaculture stands out as a holistic and ethical approach that harmonizes human activities with the natural world. At Agarwood Eco Capital, we have embraced permaculture principles in our agarwood cultivation.


Sustainability is at the core of everything we do

Renewable Energy

In the age of climate awareness, the shift towards renewable energy is not just a trend but an imperative for businesses aiming for sustainability.


Biodiverse Agroforestry

In the pursuit of agricultural innovation, the integration of biodiversity within farming practices is not just a noble goal; it is a necessary step towards a sustainable future.


Community Involvement

Sustainable agriculture transcends the boundaries of farms and fields, seeping into the very fabric of local communities. It’s a holistic approach that nourishes not only the soil


Soil and Water Stewardship

In the context of modern agriculture, the stewardship of soil and water resources is not merely a practice but a necessity for the sustainability of the ecosystem.


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