Agarwood Eco Capital

Sustainable Future

Sustainable agricultural or forestry production involves the ongoing ability to produce crops.


Whilst we are primarily a commercial agroforestry operator, we believe strongly in the conservation and regeneration of indigenous flora, fauna and habitats.
Environmental Sustainability
Our projects follow ecological and environmental principles, working closely with national environmental regulatory bodies. As we rely so directly on the productivity of the land, it ensures its land is used wisely and maintained for use of generations to come.
Agarwood Eco Capital

Eco-efficient Management

Our organic cultivation practices are a testament to our dedication to producing the highest quality agarwood.
Sustainability Initiatives
We are committed to conserving natural resources through eco-efficient management strategies, performance metrics and continuous improvement focused in five key areas that are important to our long-term business success.
Agarwood Eco Capital
Agarwood Eco Capital

100% Fully Managed Plantation Ownership

An Opportunity that offers 19.31% Annualized Returns
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Agarwood Eco Capital

Agarwood Eco Capital are a company dedicated to producing the world’s best quality sustainable agarwood using permaculture principles. We are a Hong Kong-based agarwood plantation management company with ownership of permaculture agarwood plantations in Thailand that gives you an opportunity to be a part of this lucrative and sustainable commodity.