Anti-Corruption Statement

At Agarwood Plantation, we are committed to conducting our business ethically, transparently, and free from corruption. This policy outlines our stance against corruption in all forms, including bribery, embezzlement, kickbacks, and any other unlawful or unethical practices. We are dedicated to upholding and promoting integrity and accountability in all our operations and transactions.


This policy applies to all employees, officers, directors, and stakeholders of Agarwood Plantation, including contractors, consultants, and any other parties who are directly or indirectly linked to our business activities.

Zero Tolerance for Corruption:

Agarwood Plantation maintains a zero-tolerance approach to corruption. We prohibit any form of corruption, bribery, and unethical practices, whether they are direct or indirect. We are committed to acting professionally and fairly in all our business dealings and relationships.

Bribery and Gifts:

  • Employees and representatives of Agarwood Plantation must not offer, give, solicit, or accept bribes in any form. This includes kickbacks, facilitation payments, or any other improper payment to or from any person or organization.
  • Gifts and hospitality are only permissible if they are reasonable, appropriate, and transparent. Any gifts or hospitality given or received should be of nominal value and must not influence or appear to influence decision-making processes or cause others to perceive an influence.

Record Keeping:

Agarwood Plantation will maintain accurate and complete financial records that truthfully document all financial transactions. We will ensure that all transactions are transparent and traceable, with no accounts or funds maintained off the record.

Reporting and Whistleblowing:

  • Employees and stakeholders are encouraged to report any suspected or actual instances of corruption, bribery, or unethical conduct. Agarwood Plantation guarantees that all reports will be treated seriously and investigated promptly and confidentially.
  • We ensure that individuals who raise concerns in good faith are protected from retaliation or harm.

Training and Communication:

  • Agarwood Plantation will provide regular training to all employees and relevant stakeholders to ensure they understand this policy and the importance of adhering to anti-corruption laws and practices.
  • This policy and related procedures will be clearly communicated to all employees, partners, suppliers, and contractors associated with Agarwood Plantation.

Monitoring and Review:

  • We will monitor compliance with this policy, periodically reviewing its effectiveness and implementing improvements where necessary.
  • Audits and checks will be conducted regularly to ensure adherence to this policy and to detect and address potential violations.

Enforcement and Disciplinary Actions:

Non-compliance with this policy, no matter how minor it seems, will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contracts. If any criminal activity is detected, it will be reported to the appropriate authorities.

 Agarwood Plantation’s commitment to maintaining an ethical, transparent, and corruption-free environment is unwavering. We understand that our reputation and the trust of our stakeholders are of utmost importance and can only be maintained by adhering to the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct. This statement is a testament to our commitment and provides guidelines for maintaining our dedication to an anti-corruption stance.